Welcome! 🦖 🦕 🐉
About me.
- 💻 I graduated from The University of York in late 2021 after completing a Bachelor of Science
in Computer Science.
- 📖 I'm a bit of a book worm. I enjoy reading about self-improvement practices and exploring the absurdity that is the Warhammer 40k universe.
- 💪 I believe that being physically capable as you age is important. Therefore, I put time into strengthening my body through bodybuilding and calisthenics.
- ✏️ In my free time I'm learning to draw. My primary focus is on character design and anatomy, with the hope of one day being able to bring my own quirky characters to life.
VS Code
What I am currenty working on:
React.js! SQL!
Ecommerce Clothing Store - Landing Page
A responsive clothing store landing page, built primarily using Bootstrap.
Stoic Quote API, Game and Generator
Uses a stoic quote API to generate and display a quote and it's author. User can toggle between modes, generator or game. The game consists of guessing the correct author of the given quote.
My Portfolio Website
The website you are currently on! I plan to add to this over time as I become more experienced and learn more fancy tricks!
View more projects....
Get in touch! 💬
Have any questions?
Shoot me an email or find me on my socials.